IBA Lifesciences
Immobilization with Near Covalent Binding Affinity

Reversible capture and analysis of Twin-Strep-tag™ fusion proteins for Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI) or Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) experiments
- Indirect immobilization of the ligand prevents it from inactivation or influences of the immobilization procedure
- High specificity and affinity in low pM range of the Twin-Strep-tag™ - Strep-Tactin™ XT interaction
- Ligands can be captured directly from complex samples
- Strep-Tactin™ XT biosensors/chips can be easily regenerated by an established procedure, whereby further ligand-analyte interactions can be analyzed with the same biosensor/chip
Our Perfect Tool for Isolation of Proteins or Complexes

MagStrep 'Type 3' XT Magnetic Beads offer:
- High specificity and low background resulting in high protein purity
- High binding affinity and capacity for Strep-tag™ II or Twin-Strep-tag™ fusion proteins
- Immunoprecipitation (IP) or co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) in batch format and/or high throughput screening for protein purification via pull-downs
- Suitable for usage with (semi-)automated magnetic bead purification systems (e.g., Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™) for automated workflows
Efficient Purification Even of Large Proteins

Strep-Tactin™ XT 4Flow™ Starter Kit consisting of everything you need for a quick start:
- Strep-Tactin™ XT 4Flow™ gravity flow column
- All buffers required for washing, elution and regeneration
- Strep-Tactin™ conjugated with HRP (for Western blot detection)
- Short protocol
Strep-Tactin™ for Reversible Binding of Biotinylated Proteins

Applicable for purification, detection and immobilization of biotinylated molecules
- Suitable for proximity-dependent Biotin Identification (BioID) experiments
- Mild and highly specific elution facilitating analysis of protein complexes
Strep-Tactin™ Sepharose™ and Strep-Tactin™ Superflow™ for gravity flow column-based affinity purification
MagStrep 'Type 3' Strep-Tactin™ magnetic beads are suitable for batch purification as well as pull-down assays
TACS - Traceless Affinity Cell Selection

Fab-TACS™ technology perfectly combines the benefits of positive and negative cell selection
- High purity, yield and viability
- Label-free, non-activated cells due to fully reversible binding
- From whole blood, buffy coat, PBMCs or murine samples
- Affinity chromatographic, magnetic or fluorescent cell separation
MHC I Streptamer™

Detection and isolation of antigen-specific T-cells with MHC I Streptamers™
- Label-free cell isolation according to antigen specificity
- High specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility
- From single cell suspensions (e.g., PBMCs or murine samples)
- Affinity chromatographic, magnetic or fluorescent cell separation
Cell Stimulation & Expansion

- Completely reversible reagents
- Termination of stimulation at any given point in time
- Adjustable CD3: CD28 ratio
- Bead-free
Peptides for T-cell stimulation
- Purity >85%
- Endotoxin-free
Fluorescent Cell Staining

Detection of antigen-specific T-cells with MHC I Streptamers™ and of receptor-specific T-cells with Fab Streptamers™
- Fully reversible
- High specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility
- No leftover staining reagents on the cells after FACS sorting
- Optimal preservation of cell effector function
- Improved viability of cells

More than 150 Twin-Strep-tag™/Strep-tag™ II expression vectors
- Variety of Twin-Strep-tag™/Strep-tag™ II combined with His, FLAG or GST
- Different N-/C-terminal orientations
- Expression hosts: E. coli, mammalia, insect cells, yeast
- Easy cloning via StarGate vectors
Mammalian Expression

The MEXi mammalian expression system
Optimised for efficient protein expression and Strep-tag™ purification in mammalian cells.
- Perfectly matched HEK293E cell line and cell culture media
- Transient expression for time and cost efficient protein production
- Multiple expression vectors from IBA with different features
Protein Purification

Strep-tag™ technology from the original manufacturer
- High affinity in low pM range
- Rapid one-step purification with unparalleled protein purity (>95%)
- Mild and specific elution
- Tolerates broad range of buffer conditions
- Suitable for metalloproteins, membrane proteins, low abundant proteins, protein complexes and any other

For Western blot analysis, immunofluorescence, FACS and ELISA
Two different detection systems are provided:
- Strep-Tactin™ and Strep-Tactin™ XT conjugate for Twin-Strep-tag™/Strep-tag™ II proteins
- Monoclonal antibodies against Twin-Strep-tag™/Strep-tag™ II

Near covalent binding affinity – Immobilisation by Strep-Tactin XT: Twin-Strep-tag for screenings, diagnostic assays, protein biochemistry, protein kinetics and interaction studies, SPR experiments (Biacore) or BLI
- High affinity in low pM range enables measurements over a long time
- Minimal non-specific binding
- Minimal coefficients of variation (cv)
- Chip for SPR experiments can be easily regenerated
Surface-marker Specific Exosome Isolation

Quick and simple isolation of unlabeled exosomes using Fab-TACS™ for exosomes, which offers:
- Highly specific and reproducible isolation
- Minimal contamination by other EVs
- Label-free exosomes with intact biological functions
- Source-independent application
- Reversible capture and release of exosomes
- A quick and simple protocol, without magnetic beads or ultracentrifugation
Cell Selection & Expansion
- Application Note Central memory T-cells isolated and stained with CD8α and CD62L Fab Streptamer reagents
- Application Note Combining MHC-I and CD8+ Fab Streptamer reagents
- Application Note Regulatory T-cells isolated and stained with CD4-CD25 and CD45RA Fab Streptamer reagents
- Application Note CD3-T Lymphocytes isolated and stained with Streptamer reagents
- Application Note Negative Cell Selection Using Affinity Chromatography
- Application Note Depletion Of Cell Populations From Different Samples
- White Paper Understanding The World Of Mhc I Multimers
Protein Production & Assay
- Application Note Strep Tactin XT vs Strep Tactin high capacity
- Application Note Strep Tactin high capacity
- Application Note Strep Tactin XT Assay
- Application Note Strep Tactin vs Strep Tactin XT
- Application Note Twin Strep tag vs His tag
- Application Note Specific Elution and Avoidance Of Contaminations In Bioid
- Application Note The Strep-Tactin Xt Technology In Downstream Applications
- White Paper Comprehensive Comparison Of The Strep-Tag Technology With The His-Tag System
- White Paper Transient Expression In Mammalian Cells
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About IBA Lifesciences
IBA Lifesciences provides high performance research tools for cell and protein isolation based on their proprietary Strep-tag™ technology. The product portfolio offers solutions for the entire production chain of recombinant proteins, from cloning, transfection, protein expression and purification to detection, immobilization and assays, as well as innovative cell isolation and expansion tools.