Component of Large Gel Drying Kit for drying PAGE gels
Stains and solutions can be changed without having to handle the gel
For use with DryEase™ Mini-Gel Drying System
For use during imaging of blotting membranes following chemiluminescent signal development (western blotting, nucleic acid blotting).
Convenient, disposable trays
Use the frames and pre-cut cellophane that come in Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ Gel-Drying Supplies with Owl™ Gel-Drying Kits.
For use with Large Gel Drying Kit
Preserve protein gels easily and economically while eliminating distortion problems common in other drying procedures with these gel-drying kits.
Component of DryEase Mini-Gel Drying System
Accommodate larger format gels or four mini-gels
Accessory for use with Ettan DALTtwelve Gel Caster.