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Thermo Scientific™ Detergent Removal Spin Columns & Plates

Rapidly eliminate high concentrations of detergents with minimal sample loss with detergent removal resins. Thermo Scientific HiPPR (High Protein and Peptide Recovery) resin is recommended for protein concentrations up to 100 μg/mL, while Thermo Scientific Pierce resin is suitable for concentrations over 100 μg/mL.

Brand:  Thermo Scientific™ 88307

587.10 EUR valid until 2025-12-31
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Product Code. 12201233

  • 642.00 EUR / Pack of 2
Estimated Shipment: 26-02-2025
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Detergents and surfactants used to prepare protein and peptide samples can interfere with analysis by ELISA, isoelectric focusing, and mass spectrometry (MS). Removing detergents from peptide samples is especially challenging and critical for MS analysis. Even low concentrations of detergents will contaminate instruments and interfere with column binding, elution, and peptide ionization. Thermo Scientific HiPPR and Pierce detergent removal resins are ideal for rapid removal of common detergents from tryptic digests to improve the results of LC-MS/MS and MALDI-MS analysis.

Optimized—removes >95% of detergent from samples of proteins or peptides
Fast—sample processing takes less than 15 minutes
Effective—eliminates detergent-interference in downstream applications like ELISA, isoelectric focusing, and mass spectrometry

Pierce Detergent Removal Resin
Pierce Detergent Removal Resin efficiently binds to and removes high concentrations of detergents from 10 μL to 1 mL samples with minimal sample loss. These microcentrifuge columns come prepacked with various volumes of proprietary resin and are best for processing samples with proteins or peptide concentrations greater than 100 μg/mL.

HiPPR Detergent Removal Spin Column Kit
HiPPR Detergent Removal resin has been optimized for sample concentrations of 1 to 100 μg/mL and is ideal for removing commonly used detergents, including SDS, Triton™ X-100, NP-40 and CHAPS at concentrations of 0.5-1%. The resin is available in pre-filled spin columns, 96-well filter spin plates, and as loose resin for customization.

Available formats:
Resin slurries—bulk resin supplied with empty 0.8-mL spin columns
Spin columns—0.1 mL micro-centrifuge columns
96-well spin plates—pre-dispensed 96-well filter plates, compatible with centrifugation and vacuum manifold systems for manual or automated purification



96-well Filter Plate
• HiPPR Detergent Removal 96-well Filter Spin Plate, 2 plates
• 96-well Deep-well collection plate, 2 plates
• 96-well collection plate, 2 plates

Store at 4°C.
Proprietary Ligand
Detergent Removal
2 x 96-well Plates
Spin Plate
Proprietary Resin, Affinity
192 Samples
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