Products designed to validate the sterility of laboratory supplies, solutions, waste, etc. following sterilization. Includes indicator tapes/strips, live microorganism cultures, and equipment for determining the sterility of pharmaceutical products.
Test the efficacy of an autoclave using Browne™ Control™ Autoclave Indicator Valves. These tubes contain heat-sensitive dyes that change color after sufficient time at the autoclave's desired temperature.
Enables CSSD and OR personnel to know at a glance that the packs have been exposed to the sterilisation process. 3M™ Comply™ Indicator tape changes colour or turns darker when exposed to the sterilisation process.
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Place the TST™ Control™ Self Adhesive Emulating Indicator Strip inside trays, packs or pouches when autoclaving so the indicator will confirm that good quality steam has penetrated to the point of placement.
When placed inside trays, packs or pouches, a TST Control Emulating Indicator will confirm that good quality steam has penetrated to the point of placement
Indicates sterilization with simple color change of white to brown. Kartell™ Sterilization Indicator Tape is used with autoclaving or dry heat sterilization methods.
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Test the steam penetration and air removal capability of a vacuum sterilizer with this test pack. The TST™ Bowie Dick Test Pack is a unique combination of advance Browne intelligent ink technology and the original Bowie Dick concept.
Know your labware is autoclaved with this autoclave tape. Cole-Parmer™ Autoclave Tape displays a dark colored diagonal after being autoclaved at 121°C for 15 minutes. Adhesive backing sticks to glass, cloth or metal.
SureTRACE Supports traceability with guaranteed access to certificates and proactive change notifications. Learn More
Provides completely closed system sterility testing of pharmaceuticals, open containers, closed containers, pre-filled syringes, powders, and medical devices. Sartorius Sterisart™ NF Sterility Testing System is optimal for use with isolators.