For use with Reichert UNISTAT Bilirubinometer (cat. no. AO10310C)
SeaKem™ ME Agarose, Lonza™
Cole-Parmer™ Polycarbonate Sealing Cap
Thermo Scientific™ PepMap™ Neo Trap Cartridge
BRAND™ Pipette Set Transferpette™ S, Adjustable, Package 2, DE-M
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest XhoI
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest PvuI
Thermo Scientific™ Domed and Flat PCR Cap Strips
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest XbaI
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest PstI
Thermo Scientific™ Eutech™ pH 2700 pH Meter
Thermo Scientific™ Tubes and Domed Caps, strips of 8
WTW™ BOD OxiTop™ Thermostat Box
Invitrogen™ Phalloidin Labeling Probes
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest SalI
TPP™ Polystyrene Petri Dishes
Thermo Scientific Finnpipette Demo Finnpipette F1 2-20µl