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Thermo Scientific™ BpiI (BbsI) (10 U/μL)

Cut GAAGAC(2/6)^ sites with BpiI (BbsI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in G buffer (Isoschizomers: BbsI, BpuAI, BstV2I).

52.25 EUR - 209.00 EUR


Concentration 10 U/μL
Methylation Sensitivity Not Dam Methylation-Sensitive, Not Dcm Methylation-Sensitive, Not CpG Methylation-Sensitive
Enzyme BpiI (BbsI)
Compatible Buffer 10X Buffer G
Sensitive to Heat Inactivation Yes
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Product Code Brand Quantity Price Quantity & Availability  
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Thermo Scientific™
200 units
52.25 EUR
200 units
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Thermo Scientific™
1,000 units
209.00 EUR
1000 units
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Conventional restriction endonucleases are a large collection of high quality restriction enzymes, optimized to work in one of the buffers of the Five Buffer System. In addition, the universal Tango buffer is provided for convenience in double digestions. All of the enzymes exhibit 100% activity in the recommended buffer and reaction conditions. To ensure consistent performance, Thermo Scientific restriction enzyme reaction buffers contain premixed BSA, which enhances the stability of many enzymes and binds contaminants that may be present in DNA preparations.


  • Superior quality -stringent quality control and industry leading manufacturing process
  • Convenient color-coded Five Buffer System
  • Includes universal Tango buffer for double-digestions
  • BSA premixed in reaction buffers
  • Wide selection of restriction endonuclease specificities


10 U/μL
BpiI (BbsI)
Scarless Cloning
Not Dam Methylation-Sensitive, Not Dcm Methylation-Sensitive, Not CpG Methylation-Sensitive
10X Buffer G
Restriction Enzyme



For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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