2'-OMe-Bz-A CEP is a phosphoramidite containing 5' DMT and the nucleoside adenosine (A) with 2'-O-methyl protection, for use in oligonucleotide synthesis.
Ac-dC CEP is a phosphoramidite containing 5' DMT and the nucleoside deoxycytidine (dC) with Acetyl (Ac) base protection, for use in oligonucleotide synthesis.
ATP, CTP, GTP, UTP (nucleoside 5'-triphosphates), and 10 mM NTP Mix are suitable for use in in vitro transcription reactions with SP6, T3, and T7 RNA polymerases.
Thermo Scientific GTP (guanosine 5'-triphosphate), Tris buffered is an extremely stable nucleotide, supplied as 100 mM aqueous solution titrated to pH 7.3-7.5 with Tris base.
Ac-dC CEP is a phosphoramidite containing 5' DMT and the nucleoside deoxycytidine (dC) with Acetyl (Ac) base protection, for use in oligonucleotide synthesis.
DMF-dG CEP is a phosphoramidite containing 5' DMT and the nucleoside deoxyguanosine (dG) with Dimethylaminoformamidine (DMF) base protection, for use in oligonucleotide synthesis.
T CEP is a phosphoramidite containing 5' DMT and the nucleoside deoxythymidine (dT) for use in oligonucleotide synthesis. DNA phosphoramidites are the building blocks for synthesis of DNA or DNA containing oligonucleotides.
Bz-dA CEP is a phosphoramidite containing 5' DMT and the nucleoside deoxyadenosine (dA) with Benzoyl (Bz) base protection, for use in oligonucleotide synthesis.