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Gibco™ rhLaminin-521


92.00 EUR - 726.00 EUR


Cell Type Stem Cells
Classification Xeno-free
Culture Type Stem Cell (Human, iPS - Induced Pluripotent Stem, Embryonic)
Product Type Extracellular Matrix
pH 6 to 8
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1 mg
726.00 EUR
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92.00 EUR
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Recombinant human Laminin 521 (rhLaminin-521) is a recombinant human protein that provides a defined surface for feeder-free culture of human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). When used with Essential 8™ Medium, rhLaminin-521 has been proven to promote cellular survival under stressful conditions in the absence of small molecule inhibitors. rhLaminin-521 has been shown to support PSC growth for >20 passages without any signs of karyotypic abnormalities and to maintain the ability of PSCs to differentiate into all three germ line lineages. rhLaminin-521 also provides optimum reprogramming efficiency of human somatic cells as well as human pluripotent stem cell survival during feeder-dependent to feeder-free transitions when used in conjunction with Essential 8 Medium. For a kit that combines the medium and substrate, see the Essential 8™ Adaptation Kit.

rhLaminin-521 is:
  • Robust—transition cells between feeder-dependent and feeder-free culture systems with minimal effort
  • Efficient—easily reprogram human fibroblasts to pluripotent stem cells
  • Physiologically relevant—expand cells with minimal differentiation
  • Scalable—passage stem cell lines as single cells with no impact to genetic stability

    Trouble-free transition
    When used with Essential 8 Medium, rhLaminin-521 provides a robust culture matrix that supports pluripotent stem cell adherence and expansion during the transition from feeder-dependent culture systems.

    Efficient reprogramming
    rhLaminin-521 has been shown to increase the number of colonies obtained during reprogramming of human fibroblasts, which can be important for in vitro disease modeling.

    Confident expansion
    rhLaminin-521 is expressed in blastocysts and therefore provides an environment mimicking the human stem cell niche.

    Easy scale-up
    rhLaminin-521 promotes stable pluripotent stem cell maintenance as single cells in the absence of ROCK inhibitors.
  • Spécification


    Stem Cells
    Stem Cell (Human, iPS - Induced Pluripotent Stem, Embryonic)
    6 to 8
    Dry Ice
    Extracellular Matrix



    For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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